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Blog Archive

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options Sep 23rd, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for women with PCOS. In this blog, we will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for managing PCOS. What is PCOS? PCOS is a condition characterized by hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and the presence of multiple...

Fertility Treatments Explained: From Ovulation Induction to IVF Sep 18th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we offer a comprehensive range of fertility treatments tailored to meet your specific needs. In this blog, we’ll explore the various fertility treatments, from ovulation induction to in vitro fertilization (IVF), and what you can expect from each. Understanding Fertility Treatments Fertility treatments are medical...

Managing Stress and Its Impact on Women's Health Sep 16th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we recognize the importance of managing stress effectively to maintain overall well-being. In this article, we will explore how stress affects women's health, identify common stressors, and provide practical strategies to manage and reduce stress. How Stress Affects Women's Health Chronic stress can have wide-ranging...

Navigating Menopause: Symptoms, Treatments, and Lifestyle Adjustments Sep 11th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we are here to guide you through this transition with effective treatments and lifestyle adjustments to help you manage your symptoms and maintain your well-being. Understanding Menopause Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months. It occurs because the ovaries...

Understanding Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Sep 9th, 2024

This connection between insulin resistance and PCOS can significantly impact a woman's health, fertility, and quality of life. At Complete Healthcare for Women, we aim to provide you with comprehensive information about these conditions and how to manage them effectively. What is Insulin Resistance? Insulin is a hormone produced by...

Managing Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: From Diagnosis to Treatment Options Sep 4th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we are dedicated to providing effective solutions for managing heavy periods. In this article, we will discuss the causes of heavy menstrual bleeding, how it is diagnosed, and the various treatment options available. What is Heavy Menstrual Bleeding? Heavy menstrual bleeding is characterized by periods...

Embracing a Low Carb Diet: Benefits, Tips, and Health Considerations Sep 2nd, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we believe in providing you with comprehensive information to help you make informed decisions about your diet and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of a low carb diet, practical tips for getting started, and important health considerations. What is a Low...

Colposcopy: A Closer Look at Cervical Health Aug 28th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we aim to provide comprehensive care and clear information to help you understand this procedure and what to expect. What is a Colposcopy? A colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure that allows your healthcare provider to closely examine your cervix, vagina, and vulva for signs of...

Understanding Hysterectomy: What to Expect and How to Prepare Aug 26th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we understand that deciding to undergo a hysterectomy can be overwhelming. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the procedure, what to expect, and how to prepare, ensuring you feel informed and supported throughout the process. Reasons for a Hysterectomy A hysterectomy may be recommended...

Abnormal Pap Tests: What Do They Mean and What Comes Next? Aug 21st, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we are committed to providing you with the information and support you need to understand your results and the next steps in your care. What is a Pap Test? A Pap test, or Pap smear, is a routine screening procedure used to detect changes in...

Can I Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding? Aug 19th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we aim to provide clear and accurate information to help you make informed decisions about family planning and reproductive health. So, can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? The answer is yes, but with some important nuances to consider. The Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) Breastfeeding can...

Understanding Hysteroscopy: What to Expect from This Minimally Invasive Procedure Aug 14th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we believe in empowering our patients with information about their healthcare options. Here, we’ll explain what hysteroscopy is, its benefits, what to expect during the procedure, and the conditions it can address. What is Hysteroscopy? Hysteroscopy involves using a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted tube inserted...

Managing Endometriosis: Understanding, Treatment, and Living Well Aug 12th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge and tools they need to manage this chronic condition effectively. In this blog post, we will explore endometriosis, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and tips for living well with this condition. What is Endometriosis? Endometriosis occurs...

The Benefits and Options of Birth Control: Finding the Right Fit for You Aug 7th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we understand that every woman’s needs are unique. With a variety of birth control options available, it’s essential to find the one that best suits your personal and medical needs. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and various options of birth control to help...

The Importance of Regular Gynecological Exams: What Every Woman Should Know Aug 5th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we emphasize the significance of routine gynecological visits in detecting, preventing, and managing various health conditions. Here’s why these exams are crucial and what you can expect during your visit. Why Regular Gynecological Exams Matter Early Detection of Health Issues Gynecological exams are essential for...

Understanding Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) and Its Management Jul 31st, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we are committed to providing you with comprehensive information about AUB, its causes, and the available treatment options to help you manage this condition effectively. What is Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)? AUB is characterized by heavy, prolonged, or irregular menstrual bleeding. It can manifest as:...

Understanding Ectopic Pregnancy and Fertility after Unilateral Salpingectomy Jul 29th, 2024

This type of pregnancy is not viable and can cause significant health risks to the mother if not treated promptly. At Complete Healthcare for Women, we are committed to providing comprehensive care and support to women facing this challenging situation. What is Ectopic Pregnancy? An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the...

Endometrial Ablation for Treating Heavy Periods: What You Need to Know Jul 27th, 2024

Endometrial ablation using the NovaSure® technique is a highly effective in-office procedure designed to treat heavy menstrual bleeding by removing or destroying the lining of the uterus (endometrium). At Complete Healthcare for Women, we offer NovaSure® endometrial ablation as a solution for those suffering from heavy periods. This blog will...

Embracing Your Gynecological Health: Essential Tips for Every Woman Jul 25th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we believe in empowering women with the knowledge and resources they need to maintain optimal health. Whether you're in your 20s or approaching menopause, here are some essential tips to help you embrace and take control of your gynecological health. Regular Check-Ups: Your First Line...

Boric Acid: An Effective Treatment for Vaginitis Jul 22nd, 2024

Boric Acid: An Effective Treatment for Vaginitis at Complete Healthcare for Women Vaginitis, a common gynecological condition, affects many women at some point in their lives, causing discomfort and distress. Conventional treatments, while effective, often face challenges such as microbial resistance. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of boric acid...

Understanding Depression and the Role of Serotonin-Specific Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Jul 20th, 2024

Depression is a prevalent mental health disorder that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in daily activities, and a range of physical and emotional problems, depression can significantly impact one’s quality of life. As medical professionals, it is crucial to understand the...

The Benefits of Regular Health Check-ups for Women Jul 13th, 2024

A proactive approach not only helps in maintaining optimal health but also provides peace of mind. At Complete OBGYN, we emphasize the importance of routine health assessments to ensure that our patients lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Body: Key Health Check-ups: Pap Smear: A Pap smear is essential for the...

Understanding LARC Birth Control Options: A Guide for Patients Jul 6th, 2024

In the evolving landscape of women's healthcare, choosing the right contraceptive method is crucial for effective family planning and overall health. In our practice in Richland, WA, we aim to provide comprehensive and personalized care to meet the diverse needs of our patients. One significant advancement in contraception is the...

Understanding HPV and the Importance of Vaccination Jun 29th, 2024

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus with over 100 different types, many of which are harmless. However, some types of HPV can lead to significant health problems, including genital warts and various cancers, such as cervical, anal, oropharyngeal, penile, vulvar, and vaginal cancers. HPV is primarily spread through intimate...

Managing Menopause: Tips and Treatments Jun 22nd, 2024

  At Complete OBGYN, we understand the challenges of menopause and offer comprehensive care to help women manage this stage with confidence and comfort. Body: Understanding Menopause: Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycle and is diagnosed after 12 consecutive months without a period. The transition period leading...

Overcoming Infertility: Promoting Ovulation with PCOS Jun 15th, 2024

At Complete Healthcare for Women, Dr. Richard Lorenzo, Kortney Jones, ARNP, and their team are dedicated to helping patients navigate this journey with personalized care and advanced treatment options. Understanding PCOS and Obesity PCOS is a hormonal disorder characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, excess androgen levels, and polycystic ovaries. It...

Top 10 Reasons to Consider GLP-1 Agonists for Weight Loss Jun 8th, 2024

  A weight loss program incorporating a GLP-1 agonist typically involves medical treatment and lifestyle changes to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) agonists are a class of medications that can help control appetite, regulate blood sugar, and promote weight loss. However, they must be...

Understanding and Managing Recurrent Yeast and BV Infections Jun 8th, 2024

Recurrent vaginal infections, such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV), can be frustrating and impact a woman’s quality of life. Understanding these conditions, their causes, treatments, and prevention methods can help manage and reduce their occurrence. Yeast Infections: Causes and Symptoms Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of...

Understanding NIPT Testing for Chromosomes 13, 18, 21, and Gender May 29th, 2024

  Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)  analyzes small fragments of fetal DNA circulating in the mother's blood, providing a safe and highly accurate method for detecting specific chromosomal abnormalities and determining the baby's gender as early as 10 weeks into the pregnancy. Here, we delve into the significance of NIPT for...

Ensuring Women's Health and Well-being: The Role of Complete Healthcare for Women in Richland, WA May 25th, 2024

Ensuring Women's Health and Well-being: The Role of Complete Healthcare for Women in Richland, WA Introduction In the heart of Richland, Washington, Complete Healthcare for Women, led by Dr. Richard Lorenzo, DO, has carved a niche by providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare tailored to women's unique needs. From the early...

Lichen Sclerosis in GYN Care: What You Need to Know Mar 14th, 2024

Lichen Sclerosis in GYN Care: What You Need to Know Lichen sclerosis is a chronic skin condition that affects the genital and anal areas, especially in women. It causes thinning, whitening, and wrinkling of the skin, as well as itching and pain. Lichen sclerosis can interfere with sexual function and...

Hysterectomy for Treatment of Heavy Vaginal Bleeding Feb 29th, 2024

  Hysterectomy for Treatment of Heavy Vaginal Bleeding   Dr. Lorenzo, Complete Healthcare for Women, Richland WA   If you suffer from heavy vaginal bleeding that affects your quality of life, you may be wondering what your options are. Heavy vaginal bleeding can have many causes, such as hormonal imbalance,...

Fertility and Pregnancy After 35 Feb 22nd, 2024

Embracing Parenthood Later in Life: Navigating Fertility and Pregnancy After 35 The trend towards starting families later in life has recently become more prominent. Many individuals and couples delay parenthood for various reasons, including career development, personal growth, or the desire for financial stability. While having a baby after age...

Prevention is Key: Managing Vaginitis in Women's Health Feb 19th, 2024

Prevention is Key: Managing Vaginitis in Women's Health  As a provider in Gynecology at Complete Health Care for Women in Richland, WA, I often counsel my patients that while vaginitis is a common condition that can cause discomfort and distress, the power of prevention is in their hands. The following...

Long Term Birth Control Options for Women Feb 14th, 2024

These are methods that last for several years, do not require daily or weekly use, and are easily reversible if you change your mind. As a medical professional, I recommend these options to many of my patients who want to have more control over their reproductive health. The most common...

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem that affects many women. Feb 7th, 2024

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem that affects many women. It can interfere with your daily activities, cause anemia, and lower your quality of life.  Heavy menstrual bleeding, also known as menorrhagia, is defined as losing more than 80 milliliters of blood per menstrual cycle or bleeding for more...

Ovarian Cysts and Treatment Options Feb 3rd, 2024

Ovarian Cysts and Treatment Options Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on or inside the ovaries. They are common and usually harmless, but sometimes they can cause symptoms or complications.  Diagnosis of Ovarian Cysts An ovarian cyst is usually diagnosed during a routine pelvic examination or an imaging test,...

Modern Medical Spa Newsletter 01 Feb 2nd, 2024

    Modern Medical Spa  |  509-392-5007 Richard Lorenzo, DO Kortney Jones, ARNP 1045 Jadwin Avenue, Richland, Washington 99352 

Infertility - Ovulation Induction Feb 1st, 2024

They work by stimulating the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in your pituitary gland, which in turn trigger the growth and maturation of eggs in your ovaries. These drugs are usually taken for five days, starting from the third day of your menstrual cycle (day 3...

Pelvic Pain Jan 29th, 2024

Pelvic pain in women is a common health problem that can have various causes and treatments. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the possible reasons for pelvic pain and the options available to manage it. This post is written by Dr. Lorenzo and Kortney Jones ARNP from...

Should I get the RSV vaccine during pregnancy? Jan 27th, 2024

The vaccine creates antibodies that pass to your fetus. This means the baby will have some antibodies to protect them from RSV for the first 6 months after birth. RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, is a virus that spreads in the fall and winter. RSV can be dangerous for babies and...

Urinary Tract Infections: Understanding the Causes and Prevention Jan 17th, 2024

UTIs occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract, leading to an infection in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Understanding the causes and preventive measures of UTIs is crucial in managing and avoiding these often painful and uncomfortable infections.    What Causes UTIs?...

Hair loss is a common concern for many women. Dec 15th, 2023

While many factors can affect hair growth, such as genetics, stress, medications, and health conditions, one of the ways to support healthy hair is to provide it with the right nutrients.   We will review some of the best vitamins and supplements for hair growth for women, based on scientific...

Advantages of Ovary Removal at the Time of Hysterectomy Nov 5th, 2023

Advantages of Ovary Removal at the Time of Hysterectomy   As an Obstetrician-Gynecologist practicing at Complete Health Care for Women in Richland, WA, my priority is to ensure that my patients are well-informed and empowered to make the best decisions regarding their health. A common question that arises  Ovary removal...

Importance of Vitamin D, Calcium and Multivitamins for Women Nov 4th, 2023

Many women are concerned about their health and well-being, especially as they age. One of the most important aspects of maintaining good health is ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients, such as vitamin D, calcium, and multivitamins. In this blog post, we will discuss why these nutrients are vital for...

RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women – In Depth Nov 3rd, 2023

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of respiratory infections in infants and young children. It can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and respiratory failure. RSV is also associated with an increased risk of asthma and wheezing later in life.  To protect infants from severe RSV...

Antidepressant (SSRI) Use in Pregnancy: A Guide for Patients Nov 1st, 2023

Antidepressants are a group of medications that are used to treat depression and other mental health conditions. They work by affecting the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, that are involved in mood regulation.  There are different types of antidepressants, but the most prescribed ones are...

Using magnesium glycinate to help with your sleep (insomnia). Oct 30th, 2023

Magnesium glycinate is a dietary supplement that combines magnesium and glycine, an amino acid that helps regulate your mood and sleep. Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports many functions in your body, including muscle and nerve activity, blood pressure and blood sugar control, bone health, and DNA synthesis. Magnesium...

Women and Weight Gain: Insulin Resistance Explained Oct 19th, 2023

If you are a woman who struggles with weight gain, especially around the abdomen, you may have a condition called insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a metabolic disorder that affects how your body uses glucose, the main source of energy for your cells. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose...

Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Oct 19th, 2023

Hemorrhoids: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum or anus that can cause pain, itching, and bleeding. They are common during pregnancy and after childbirth, but they can also occur in people who sit for long periods of time or strain during bowel movements. Symptoms The...

RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women Oct 17th, 2023

What is RSV? RSV stands for respiratory syncytial virus, a common and contagious virus that affects the lungs and airways. RSV can cause mild symptoms like a cold, but it can also lead to serious complications like pneumonia and bronchiolitis, especially in young infants. RSV is the leading cause of...

Understanding Vylessi: A New Treatment for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Women Oct 13th, 2023

Presented by Dr. Lorenzo at Complete Healthcare for Women, Richland, WA Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is a condition that affects many women, leading to a persistent or recurrent lack of sexual desire. This can have a significant impact on a woman's quality of life, affecting her emotional well-being and...

TXA (Lysteda): A Modern Approach to Treating Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Oct 10th, 2023

TXA (Lysteda): A Modern Approach to Treating Abnormal Uterine Bleeding at Complete Healthcare for Women with Dr. Lorenzo In the realm of women's health, abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a prevalent concern that impacts numerous women, causing not only physical discomfort but also significant disruption to their daily lives. A...

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 for Women Oct 5th, 2023

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 for Women Vitamin D3, chemically known as cholecalciferol, is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that has taken center stage in recent health discussions. For women, maintaining optimal levels of this vitamin is crucial for a myriad of physiological processes. The interplay of...

Managing GERD During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions Sep 15th, 2023

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with various physical and emotional changes. Among these changes, some women may experience a common yet uncomfortable condition known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). In this blog article, we'll explore why GERD is common during pregnancy, its potential impact on pregnancy, when symptoms typically...

The Vital Role of Hydration During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Sep 12th, 2023

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are beautiful and transformative experiences in a woman's life, marked by significant changes in her body and lifestyle. Amidst the joy and anticipation, it's crucial to prioritize one simple yet often overlooked aspect: hydration. Staying adequately hydrated during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not just about personal comfort;...

The Benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide Sep 9th, 2023

Pregnancy is a transformative journey, both physically and emotionally, for women. Along with the joy and anticipation, it also brings a host of physiological changes that can sometimes lead to discomfort and stress. Prenatal massage therapy has emerged as a soothing and holistic solution to address the challenges that often...

Understanding Infertility: A Comprehensive Guide Sep 6th, 2023

Kortney Jones, ARNP, and Dr. Lorenzo from Complete Healthcare for Women are dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare services to women, including addressing complex issues such as infertility. Infertility is a condition that affects many couples, causing emotional distress and often leading to a search for solutions. It is defined as...

Listeria and Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers Sep 3rd, 2023

As a trusted obstetrics and gynecology medical practice, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy pregnancy. One potential threat that pregnant women need to be aware of is listeria, a bacterium that can lead to a serious infection known as listeriosis. In this blog post, we'll delve into what...

Nourishing Your Pregnancy: A Guide to Foods to Avoid Aug 31st, 2023

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey marked by numerous changes, not only in your body but also in your lifestyle choices, including what you eat. A well-balanced and nutritious diet is essential to ensure the health and development of both you and your baby. While many foods provide vital nutrients during...

Understanding Vaginal Yeast Infections: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Aug 28th, 2023

Vaginal health is an integral part of a woman's overall well-being, and one common concern that many women face is vaginal yeast infections. These infections, caused by an overgrowth of Candida fungus, can lead to uncomfortable symptoms and disrupt daily life. In this article, we will delve into what a...

Recognizing the Signs of Labor: A Comprehensive Guide Aug 25th, 2023

As childbirth approaches, expectant mothers and their partners should be well-informed about the signs of labor. Recognizing these signs can help ensure a smooth transition to the delivery process and provide an opportunity to seek timely medical attention. In this article, we at Complete Healthcare for Women will provide a...

Exercising Safely During Pregnancy: Benefits, Guidelines, and Precautions Aug 22nd, 2023

Exercising Safely During Pregnancy: Benefits, Guidelines, and Precautions Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey marked by numerous physical and emotional changes. Staying active during pregnancy can positively impact both the mother's well-being and the developing baby. However, it's important to be cautious and follow appropriate guidelines to ensure a...

Clomid and Femara: Ovulation Induction - Infertility Treatments Aug 21st, 2023

Clomid and Femara: A Medical Perspective on Ovulation Induction Ovulation induction is a common and essential component in the treatment of various fertility issues. Two medications that have found widespread use in this context are Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) and Femara (Letrozole). Here, we will explore the mechanisms of these drugs,...

Safeguarding Your Child's Health: Recommended Vaccines Immunizations from Birth Through 6 Years Old Aug 19th, 2023

Immunizations are a vital part of your child's healthcare. They protect your child from serious diseases by stimulating their immune system to recognize and fight off these diseases. Here are the recommended immunizations for children from birth through 6 years old: 1. **Hepatitis B (HepB)**: The first dose is given...

Understanding Hair Loss Post Delivery Aug 17th, 2023

Understanding Postpartum Hair Loss During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen prolong the growing phase of hair, leading to fuller and glossier locks. After delivery, as hormone levels return to their pre-pregnancy state, a larger number of hairs may enter the shedding phase simultaneously. This phenomenon is called telogen effluvium and...

Endometrial Ablation Aug 17th, 2023

Endometrial Ablation Through NovaSure: A Modern Approach to Menorrhagia Management Menorrhagia or excessive menstrual bleeding is a common problem that affects many women's lives, and it often requires medical intervention. One innovative solution is endometrial ablation using the NovaSure procedure, a minimally invasive treatment that can be an ideal option...

Understanding Herpes: Types, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Aug 16th, 2023

Herpes is a common viral infection that comes in two main forms: oral herpes and genital herpes. Caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), this infection can cause discomfort and inconvenience. With proper understanding and management, individuals can live healthy and fulfilling lives. In this blog post, we will delve...

Routine Tests and Screenings for Your Newborn Aug 11th, 2023

Routine Tests and Screenings for Your Newborn Post Delivery There are many tests and screenings that we do for your newborn after delivery. These tests are done to ensure the health of your baby. Newborn Genetic Screening: This tests for several genetic conditions, including Phenylketonuria (PKU), Galactosemia, Hypothyroidism, Sickle Cell...

The importance of cervical cancer screening through Pap Testing Aug 8th, 2023

Pap smears, also known as Pap tests, have revolutionized women's healthcare by significantly reducing the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer. This simple yet powerful screening tool plays a vital role in the early detection and prevention of cervical abnormalities and has become an essential component of women's preventive...

Title: A Medical Perspective on Cervical Cancer Screening: A Lifesaving Protocol Aug 5th, 2023

Cervical cancer is a disease that is preventable yet continues to claim numerous lives globally. Cervical cancer is primarily instigated by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a virus transmitted through sexual contact. While most HPV infections are benign and resolve independently, certain high-risk types can precipitate cervical cancer if they remain...

Low Dose Aspirin To Help Prevent Preeclampsia Aug 4th, 2023

Our team at Complete Healthcare for Women in Richland, WA, often encounters inquiries about measures for ensuring a healthy pregnancy. One particularly noteworthy topic is the use of low-dose aspirin (81 mg) during pregnancy as a preventive measure against preeclampsia. This pregnancy complication involves high blood pressure and can pose...

How to Tell When Labor Begins Aug 2nd, 2023

  How to Tell When Labor Begins Dr. Lorenzo, with Complete Healthcare for Women in Richland, WA, and Kortney Jones, ARNP, a highly skilled nurse practitioner specializing in women's health would like to discuss a topic that's crucial for every expectant mother: How to tell when labor begins?  Most women...

Nurturing the Bond: Breastfeeding Tips and Advice for New Mothers Aug 1st, 2023

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we understand the significance of breastfeeding in nurturing the bond between new mothers and their babies. As a medical practice dedicated to women's health and well-being, we are delighted to offer breastfeeding tips and advice to support you on this beautiful journey. Breastfeeding provides vital...

Vaccinations and Medicines Given at the Time of Birth Jul 30th, 2023

Vaccinations and Medicines Given at the Time of Birth Hello, I'm Dr. Richard Lorenzo, an Obstetrician-Gynecologist at Complete Healthcare for Women in Richland, WA. Alongside me is Kortney Jones, ARNP, a highly skilled nurse practitioner specializing in women's health. Today, we're here to discuss a topic that's crucial for every...

Breast Health and Screening through Mammography Jul 27th, 2023

At Complete Healthcare for Women in Richland, WA, a top-tier OB-GYN practice led by Dr. Richard Lorenzo, DO, and our skilled Nurse Practitioner Kortney Jones, ARNP, we believe in keeping our patients informed about key aspects of women's health. Here, we address some commonly asked questions about breast health and...

Postpartum Depression Jul 26th, 2023

How Common Is Postpartum Depression? By The Numbers  About 70-80% of women report the “baby blues,” meaning they may feel sad, anxious, and experience mood swings a few days after their babies are born. This is normal – and is not necessarily an indicator of postpartum depression. Only about 10-20%...

Infertility Jul 25th, 2023

Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Infertility – From Diagnosis to Treatment Options & More Facing difficulties while trying to conceive can be quite a struggle, and finding the right help can seem even more daunting. Infertility is nothing to be embarrassed about, and at Complete Healthcare for Women, we are...

The Importance of Regular Prenatal Checkups Jul 20th, 2023

Complete Healthcare for Women cannot stress enough the significance of regular prenatal checkups for expectant mothers. These routine appointments play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy journey. This post will highlight the numerous benefits of these checkups and why they are...


What are Pellets? Pellets or implants are made up of bio-identical hormones (i.e. testosterone or estradiol that are the exact chemical formula, and identical molecular structure, to what your body produces) and are derived from natural plants that are pressed into very small solid cylinders. These are larger than a grain of...

Meet Kortney Jones, ARNP Jul 17th, 2023

Having joined the  Complete Healthcare for Women team in the summer of 2020, Kortney Jones, an advanced registered nurse practitioner or ARNP, is a family practice nurse practitioner who provides high-quality healthcare for women at all stages of life.   Kortney Jones received her nursing degree from Columbia Basin College...

Post Dates Pregnancy Jul 17th, 2023

The risks and benefits of induction of labor post-dates. Post-term pregnancy (41 weeks plus) carries several potential risks, both for the pregnant individual and the baby.  Potential risks include: Fetal macrosomia: This refers to a newborn who's significantly larger than average. Babies born after 41 weeks may be larger, which...

What Parents Should Know About Circumcisions Jul 13th, 2023

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin, the tissue covering the head (glans) of the penis. When Is Circumcision Done? Circumcision is usually performed shortly after the baby is born. How Is Circumcision Done? At Complete Healthcare for Women, we use lidocaine to provide pain relief. We also use...

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Jul 13th, 2023

Title: Understanding FMLA and Maternity Leave in Washington State: A Guide for Expectant Mothers Congratulations on your impending arrival! While pregnancy is a time of great excitement, it can also introduce a multitude of questions - one being how to balance your work responsibilities with the need for time off...

Navigating the Shadows: Understanding Postpartum Depression Jul 10th, 2023

Introduction: Bringing a new life into the world is often portrayed as a time of joy, wonder, and an overwhelming sense of love. However, for many women, the postpartum period can be a challenging and emotionally turbulent experience. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a silent struggle that affects 14% of new...

The Healing Power of Ice Bath Therapy Jul 7th, 2023

The Healing Power of Ice Bath Therapy Introduction: Ice bath therapy, also known as cold water immersion, has gained attention in recent years for its potential health benefits. As a medical professional, I believe it is important to explore and discuss the advantages of this practice from a scientific standpoint....

Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Your Complete Guide Jun 26th, 2023

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a common and preventable health concern. By understanding the risks and taking proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the chances of contracting or spreading an STI. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on preventing STIs and empowering you to make...

Vaginal Rejuvenation Jun 8th, 2023

Benefits of CO2 Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation In recent years, CO2 laser vaginal rejuvenation has gained popularity as a non-surgical treatment option for various vaginal health concerns. This innovative procedure utilizes the power of CO2 laser technology to stimulate collagen production, tighten vaginal tissues, and improve overall vaginal health. In this...

PCO polycystic ovarian disease May 1st, 2023

What is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)? Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects women of childbearing age. It is characterized by: Irregular or absent menstrual periods Excess male hormones (androgens) Small, fluid-filled sacs on the ovaries (polycystic ovaries) PCOS is a common condition, affecting about 1 in...

How SSRI Medications Treat Depression and Anxiety Apr 18th, 2023

SSRIs are a class of antidepressant medications used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, and other mental health conditions. Some common examples include Zoloft and Celexa.  They work by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain by inhibiting its reuptake, leading to improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression and...

Weight Loss and GLP-1 Agonists Apr 17th, 2023

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists are a class of drugs used in the management of type 2 diabetes. These drugs also aid in weight loss.  Some drugs that are GLP-1 agonists are Mounjaro and Ozempic.   They work by mimicking the effects of the hormone GLP-1, which is naturally produced by...

Nexplanon for Birth Control Apr 12th, 2023

Nexplanon is an implantable birth control device that lasts three years. It is placed underneath the skin between the upper arm and shoulder blade. It is FDA-approved and has been used since 2002. NEXPLANON works by preventing ovulation NEXPLANON works by using a hormone that stops an egg from being...

IUD Apr 1st, 2023

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are small, T-shaped devices that are inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. They are a highly effective form of contraception and can provide long-term protection against pregnancy. In this article, we will explore the different types of IUDs, how they work, and the benefits and risks...

Safety of Ultrasound in Pregnancy Mar 5th, 2023

Ultrasound is a commonly used diagnostic tool in pregnancy that provides valuable information about the developing fetus. Despite its widespread use, some expectant mothers may be concerned about its safety and whether or not it can harm their unborn child. The good news is that ultrasound is generally considered a...

Pregnancy and your body. Mar 1st, 2023

During pregnancy, there are many changes that happen in your body. Some of these changes will affect your diet and lifestyle. This article will explain what you should expect during pregnancy, how to prepare for it, and what you need to know before you become pregnant. Pregnancy is a miraculous...

Bioidentical Hormones Feb 14th, 2023

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that uses hormones that are structurally identical to those produced by the human body. One form of BHRT is the use of bioidentical estrogen and testosterone pellets. This therapy is used to help alleviate symptoms of...

Medical Weight Loss Nov 9th, 2022

There's a class of type 2 diabetes medications that not only improves blood sugar control but may also lead to weight loss. This class of drugs is commonly called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists. Weight loss can vary depending on which GLP-1 drug you use and your dose. Studies have found that...

Laser Hair Removal and Wrinkle Treatment Nov 1st, 2022

One of the most sophisticated and effective methods of removing unwanted body hair and unsightly wrinkles is laser treatment. What Is Laser Hair Removal? Laser hair removal is a procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light to remove hair around your body. During the procedure, a laser will emit...

Facts You Need To Know About Genital Herpes Oct 15th, 2022

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that any sexually active individual can suffer from; in fact, it is more common than you may think. One of every six individuals ages 14 to 49 has genital herpes.   If you're an individual suffering from genital herpes, there's no reason...

Why You Shouldn't Wait Until 21 To See a Gynecologist Oct 1st, 2022

If you're younger than 21, you may have questions about the changes your body is undergoing. Maybe you've had your first menstrual period; maybe you have questions about sex -- a gynecologist can address all your concerns.   The recommended age for starting to see a gynecologist is 21, as...

Identifying & Treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Sep 26th, 2022

You may have heard of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It’s a condition that changes women’s hormone levels. The hormonal imbalance caused by PCOS may result in difficulty getting pregnant and abnormal hair growth, among other symptoms.   To learn more about PCOS, its possible causes, and how it may affect...

What Everyone Ought To Know About Eating Disorders Sep 14th, 2022

Eating disorders come in many shapes and forms. If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, then you know how it can affect your wellbeing.   You can't overcome eating disorders in one night, but they can be treated if you approach the problem correctly. To help you identify your specific...

Nutrition in Pregnancy: Should Your Diet Change While Pregnant? Sep 14th, 2022

With everyone being different, there are no hard and fast rules for a healthy pregnancy diet; instead, these are guidelines and best practices for you to consider.   Note that even during pregnancy, the basic principles of a healthy diet still apply -- eat vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, lean...

Laser Treatment for Wrinkles - What Is It? Sep 3rd, 2022

The best way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is through regular use of a good skin care regimen. But there are also other options available that can help improve the look of aging skin. One of these is laser treatment. How Do They Work? Lasers work...

Vaginitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Aug 31st, 2022

If you’ve been experiencing vaginal itching, pain, and discharge, you may have vaginitis. To help you confirm whether what you are experiencing is indeed vaginitis and what your course of action should be, we have compiled a guide on the topic. Read on below to learn more.   What Causes...

IUDs & Nexplanon -- What Are They and Do I Need Them? Aug 30th, 2022

If you’ve been looking at your options for birth control, you may have considered an intrauterine device (IUD) like Mirena or an implant like Nexplanon. To help you make an informed decision about your next step, we’ve compiled an informative primer. Check it out below.   What Is Birth Control?...

Tests for Monitoring Your Babies Well-Being Aug 28th, 2022

When you're pregnant, you'll have a lot on your mind -- and some of your thoughts can be worrisome; you may ask yourself, "what if my baby won't be born healthy?"   Worrying about the health of your child is normal. And one of the best things you can do...

Postpartum At Home Care Jun 6th, 2021

Roughly the first six to eight weeks after childbirth are referred to as the postpartum period and although new mothers are generally overjoyed at the arrival of their newborns, they are also left to grapple with physical, mental, and emotional adjustments. Postpartum symptoms can feel overwhelming at times, particularly when...

Menopause May 29th, 2021

MENOPAUSE Menopause is a natural process that happens to all women when they are in their 40s or 50s. You are considered post-menopausal after you have not gotten your period for a year, marking the end of your menstrual cycle. This means that you can no longer get pregnant, but...

Solutions for the Discomfort of Pregnancy May 6th, 2021

Today, we're going to discuss the most common forms of discomfort met throughout pregnancy and the possible courses of action you may take. Check out our complete guide below.   Heartburn When dealing with heartburn, it would be best to avoid heavy meals and acidic food; instead, you may consider...

COVID Vaccination in Pregnancy - Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine Dec 14th, 2020

The UW Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology aligns with the guidance regarding COVID vaccine provided by the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM).  Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) Statement: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination inPregnancy12-1-20 Although preventive measures (universal masking, physical distancing, hand hygiene, and prompt testing with isolation and contact tracing) can significantly decrease SARS-CoV-2 transmission, the...

Everything You Need to Know about COVID-19, Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding Dec 1st, 2020

What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is a new illness that affects the lungs and breathing. It is caused by a new coronavirus. Symptoms include fever, cough, and trouble breathing. It also may cause stomach problems, such as nausea and diarrhea, and a loss of sense of smell or taste. Symptoms may appear...

Pill, Patch, and Ring - Combined Hormonal Birth Control Nov 2nd, 2020

What are combined hormonal birth control methods? Birth control pills, the birth control patch, and the vaginal birth control ring are combined hormonal birth control methods. They contain two hormones: estrogen and progestin.   How do combined hormonal methods prevent pregnancy? Combined hormonal birth control methods release estrogen and progestin into the whole body....

The Importance of Breast Health-Mammography and Other Screening Tests Oct 11th, 2020

What is a screening test? A screening test is used to find conditions in people who do not have signs or symptoms. This allows early treatment.   Why is breast screening important? In the United States, one in eight women will develop breast cancer by age 75 years. Regular breast...

Annual Gynecology Exams: Do You Need Them? The short answer is "yes." Sep 2nd, 2020

Whether you have your teeth checked at the dentist's office or have regular eye exams, it is essential to stay on top of your health. The same goes for gynecology exams. These exams allow you to make sure your body is in good physical condition. According to the American Congress...

Weight Loss - The Importance of Protein Aug 20th, 2020

At Complete Healthcare for Women, Dr. Richard Lorenzo, Kortney Jones ARNP, and our team are committed to helping you reach the optimum weight and size you need to enjoy life at its fullest. Complete Healthcare Weight Loss supplements provide your body with protein that is vital to preserve and maintain...

Managing Pregnancy Symptoms at Home Jul 10th, 2020

Managing Pregnancy Symptoms at Home Expectant mothers often spend months, or even years, dreaming of the moment that they will receive a positive result from a pregnancy test, and although that joy is not dampened by the symptoms that accompany pregnancy, some of the common side effects are still tough...

Healthy Eating - Boost More Than Just Your Self-Image with the Right Diet Jun 17th, 2020

Healthy Eating: Boost More Than Just Your Self-Image with The Right Diet Everyone has heard the saying that abs are made in the kitchen and not the gym; while it’s true that the right diet can help you lose weight, healthy eating habits are also instrumental in improving your overall...

COVID-19 Precautions & Guidelines Mar 18th, 2020

The ever-changing situation with COVID-19 has created a little unease. We'd like to give you some updated policies and information that we are using in our office during this time.  In the office here we are trying to minimize the risk for our patients, their families, and our team. We...

The Basics of Laser Services Mar 6th, 2020

If you’re interested in laser services in the Tri-Cities, you may be wondering what to expect. What is laser therapy, and how is it used for cosmetic purposes like hair removal, wrinkle reduction, and scarring? Get all the answers you need now about Laser How Are Lasers Used For Cosmetic...

SeleneTouch Vaginal Rejuvenation May 19th, 2017

Selene Touch can help you be intimate again. Don’t Suffer in Silence.  Millions of women experience vaginal discomforts – dryness, painful sex, urgent urination, and pH imbalances. Don’t be embarrassed. Talk to us. Unlike many other laser treatments, Selene Touch is completely painless. You feel only a slight warmth or...

Common Women's Health Issues May 11th, 2017

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we help women for a wide variety of health issues. However, there are certain common health issues that we see more often than others. Read on below for some common health concerns women face. Endometriosis Endometriosis is a common health condition of the uterus. When...

Mammograms May 4th, 2017

At Complete Healthcare for Women, we offer mammography. Mammography uses x-rays to take images of the breast. The images that result are called mammograms. Mammogram Uses Mammograms are used for two reasons: screening and diagnosis. Mammograms are used to screen for breast cancer. Mammograms are performed both on women who...